Monday 17 November 2014

Five photo's that make me smile.

OK I have been rather quiet/slack in keeping up on my post's. But I seriously haven't forgotten. I just don't know where time fly's. For those who are full time mums and working, there never seems enough time, even though we may say, yes I must do that today, and then it doesn't happen. LOL.

Well what can I say I have been up to. Well I have gone back to TAFE to upgrade my work skills, to help me get back into the work force doing something different to retail. I have loved every minute of it and meet so many interesting and different people, wouldn't change it. Such an eye opener. Feeling very academic if I may say so myself (believe me I never was in the past) .

Isabella turned 11 this year and believe me I can't believe it. Wish at time's if not most I could go back to when she was so little and the world was a bliss and all were happy. They just grow up too fast if you ask me. As my parents and Aunts and Uncles would say, don't ever wish to be older because that's all you wished, and yet here we are and wishing that. And Isabella contently says I can't wait till I am 18 and can swear and do as I like etc. Well as my husband says Greg says, - were locking her into a cupboard. Ha I say.. If only. Life's full of fun times ahead we know.

Still sewing and being creative amongst it all, and markets as well. I enjoy it all, but I have come to a point where change is in need and I am looking for it, hard to find, but I know I will find it eventually. Never give up hope I say.

Here though I have five photos that make me smile and I can say the black and white one is where my parents first meet their first granddaughter Isabella, as we got back to the room. Love it. Price less. The top right hand and down wards. My dad and twin brother at a Christmas many years ago. Happy happy times. Great laughs thanks to all.  My brother who bunked in with us at uni times in Brisbane. we had some wild and fun fun parties at Newmarket. So young and carefree. Greg and I at a wedding in Toowoomba. Had an absolute ball and a  night to remember for sure. And then Isabella who was one at the time at Bondi beach in Sydney. There are too many happy pictures I could choose from but these were my first,

Anyway Christmas is coming up once again and so so fast. I hope everyone is going to be prepared and have a great one.

Lots of Love to all.
Em xxx

Monday 25 November 2013

Thankful today for...........

I was approached today by what I would say a very inspirational woman who has been on a brave journey and lived to tell the tale. And now Heather Von St. James is making a difference by spreading love and knowledge of mesothelioma – a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Here is the link of her story, please take the time and watch as it certainly makes you appreciate what we have and to be thankful of. 

But in making awareness she has created “30 Days of Thankfulness” where we acknowledge something in our life that we are thankful for every day throughout the month. And this month I am thankful that my dad is still here with us. Dad hasn't been well for awhile now and was diagnosed with something, that we were to soon find out it wasn't the case at all and that it was definitely his heart. My dad has given us a few scares over the years and a tough fighter but this time we would say was the closest. Turns out his heart is weak and has complications that over time drugs will hopefully make him feel better and rest is certainly on order. I would have to say a huge thank you to all the lovely nurses and doctors at the Brisbane hospital, where he was staying as the care and treatment that was given to him was fantastic, and dad certainly got to know them and the few other patients that came and went from the bed next to him. Its amazing how quickly doctors can put a stint in and the patient can go home the next day a new person. I think its incredible what medicine and technology today can do for us all and how lucky in today's modern society we are. 

So yes I am thankful for family and love that binds us all together to make us stronger and happy. So don't forget to tell your loved ones you love them and to enjoy what we have.

Love Em

Friday 27 September 2013

Oh my goodness, to think I haven't written on here since last Christmas is terrible, and can't believe I could be that slack. Most of all where has that time gone as were practically about to drag our Christmas trees out again for another round. I don't know about everyone else, but yep were getting older faster, doing loads more than normal and our kids are growing up far too quickly.

Well since my last post what can I say I have been up to? Well a lot and not a lot I suppose I can say. But our daughter is in grade 4 and enjoying it, although she has had some highs and lows amongst some of the kids, but she is pretty strong and always seems to come out on top of it ok. Although I must say our hormones are on fire and gez it can be exhausting went yo never know which way the winds going to blow. (Hehehehe) Joys of motherhood I know and challenging at that. But love it at the same time.

Another big exciting thing though is we finally have a new addition to the family, my new niece. My parents are thrilled of course and loving it all as they get to see her a bit which I think is lovely as we live too far away, and I am thrilled for my brother too as being a parent is a rewarding and everything else that goes with it.

Also had my 20 year school reunion this year, and boy I had my bags packed way before as I couldn't wait for the big girls getaway. Hair, new clothes, accommodation organised and 7 hours travelling each way, it was totally worth it. ( you'd never guess I don't get out much) I got to see my great friend Em who I hadn't seen for two years and the others, well 10 years. So plenty of catching up was to be had. In fine form we all had a total blast and once back home it took me two days to recover, which felt like terrible jet lag. (yes ok, too much drinking and talking) But hey that is what happens when you get together with about 40 other girls.

I am still sewing away and making what ever comes my way. The elephants still a favourite which is great. Now getting my self organised for the Christmas rush as the list grows. And still have Daisy dog who has just turned 4. She is still a great companion for our daughter, although I think I am her favourite (hehe)

Anyway I can go on, but hope everyone else is happy and healthy. Love Em xxx

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Wow, another Christmas has just passed, and so quickly in my eyes. But we all had a great time and loved catching up with family. Bella especially enjoyed all the festive fun plus got what she wanted for Christmas and loved seeing everyone but mostly the animals which I neglected to take any pictures of.
 But I do hope everyone else enjoyed their Christmas and the kids too got what they wanted. (Oh and the snake I threw in as it was caught xmas eve on my parents patio where we had our xmas lunch)
Cheers and lets hope 2013 is a fantastic year for us all. Love Em xxx

Tuesday 4 December 2012

I am sorry for not writing sooner on my blog, but it is purely a time thing. Certainly hope everyone is well, and getting into the christmas spirit. Don't know about you but I truly cannot believe how quickly this year has gone, and feel it is way too quick and that our children are growing older quicker and us too getting older too, and where has the time gone and the challenges we have faced through out the year.

I have had a jammed packed year, with family challenges, my daughter who just turned 9 going on 16, a  operation, other medical happenings and my sewing increasing to double that I didn't expect to happen.

I can reflect and say it has been a interesting, up and down, but happy for filled year so far and certainly look forward to my christmas break and catching up with family and friends and seeing my daughters face light up with happiness on christmas morning.

Also I want to thank all my friends, family and loyal supporters who have followed Emma Makers Designs and watched my elephants and other creativity grow this year. Without the support I have, I wouldn't be where I am now and love it. Here's hoping next year will be super and not go as fast.

As you can see above our christmas tree is up and yes I have been playing xmas music, -  when my daughter lets me. Truly hope everyone has a lovely christmas and new year.

Love Em

Sunday 9 September 2012

I am so in love with Jennifer Paganelli fabrics at the moment, love all the brightness and quality. Plus I am even more thrilled that I made it on her blog, Have a look as you will see also all the other talented people out there and the beautiful fabrics that you can get.

I am at a good point at the moment in making my elephants and other bits and pieces. Love what have achieved and thank all my followers and support that has made me get to where I am at the moment.

Love Em

Friday 20 July 2012

Hello everyone. Hope you are all well. I have recovered ok from my eye surgery, that will take time to settle, and I look forward to being able to wear makeup soon. I am glad I have finally had the graft done, and can only improve my looks and health more. However my daughter still calls it my bad eye. But hey its early days.

I have been fairly busy with sewing and trying to keep up which doesn't leave much room for creative/new ideas work to be done, but I am hopping soon to be able to before spring comes around which I know will be quick, as I don't know about you, the year seems to be flying.

Just another quick note I do have some sets in a little beautician in Perth, here are at the details. Feel free to ask any questions.

Two of my elephants are available for sale at Beauty on the Hampton (open Tue. to Sat), 136 Hampton Road, South Fremantle  (opp. Shell Servo).  In the coming months and as time permits, a full range of my products will be  available.  Above is a picture of the two there at the moment as the others have gone.  

Cheers everyone. Love Em xxx